Wednesday, December 31, 2008

CRAP ALERT! The Day The Earth Stood Still

Please! Do yourself a favor: Save your money and DO NOT see this film. It is complete trash! Let me start off by saying how unbelievable the plot is. Yes, I personally do believe in other life forms outside of Earth and yes I do believe that we have come in contact with them several times, but this is just completely unrealistic. They have this sphere-looking alien space ship land in Central Park in New York City of all places. Why the hell would the aliens want to land their ship in Central Park of all places? The desert would be a more practical place. Also, why land it in America in the first place; why not some remote island? They have this alien come off the ship which is later found out to be of human form. This "alien" is none other than Keanu Reeves who I can't stress enough how poor an actor he is. He plays an alien named, Klaatu, who pals up with a doctor and her step son and drive around in the suburbs all night in their car. The step son is none other than Will Smith's son, Jaden Smith, who also cannot act. Yea many people think he's cute and all, but the kid can't act worth shit. So all in all.. you have a bunch of mediocre actors playing in the what seems to be the 2008 "end of the world movie of the year" (they didn't show the President's face but I guarantee he was black like in all the other apocalyptic movies). They probably didn't show his face because they didn't know who was going to win the election. Anyway, I'm getting off track. The movie sucked. It is very unrealistic. I should have gone to see Benjamin Button which I will write a review on shortly.

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