Sunday, November 16, 2008

Movies To Look Out For: Watchmen


Picture of the Month (November): Gone Baby Gone

I was swept away by Gone Baby Gone. Not only was the acting phenomenal but the humanizing of the characters was so well done that you (the watcher) feel that you are part of the story. As much as I dislike Ben Affleck and think that he is a mediocre actor, I believe that Casey Affleck (Ben's younger brother) is a true rising star. Gone Baby Gone takes place in Boston and the story line follows a child abduction taken place in a low-income neighborhood. The film potrays what we see on the news almost on a daily basis involving child abductions. There are a number of twists and turns throughout the film and in the end, makes you think long and hard about a moral issue that you never expected anyone to face.

Top Ten Gangster Films (Post Film Noir)

This was tough but I limited my list to what I think are the top 10 gangster films (post film noir era). I admit; since Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino are my favorite actors, many of their movies appear on the list. However, I would imagine that most will agree with the list.

X. Carlito's Way

IX. The Departed

VIII. Heat

VII. Pulp Fiction

VI. Mean Streets

V. Scarface

IV. Casino

III. The Godfather II

II. Goodfellas

I. The Godfather

Top Ten Most Disturbing Films of All Time

The following films in the list are the most disturbing films of all time. I never thought I'd say that I'd advise someone NOT to watch a film, however, there is an exception. I would not advise anyone to watch the film, Caligula. It is too disturbing and considered today to be "the most expensive porno ever made". There are accounts of the Caligula actors saying that they are "ashamed" to have participated in such a picture. Cannibal Holocaust is also an extremely horrific and disturbing film. I am surprised til this day how the filmmakers were able to shoot certain scenes. The killing of live animals throughout the film is too hard to stomach. One thing that really upsets me is to see animals suffer and die a slow death. Someone is going to Hell. Salo Or The 120 Days Of Sodom, is also a film that is considered to be too disturbing for the average movie viewer. If there is a Hell, I expect it to be exactly like what goes on throughout this movie. Not only does it rape and murder in the most unconventional form, it pushed the envelope to see how far you can really go.

X. Freaks

IX. I Spit On Your Grave

VIII. Irreversible

VII. In My Skin

VI. Bad Boy Bubby

V. El Topo

IV. Eraserhead

III. Salo Or The 120 Days Of Sodom [Do Not Watch]

II. Cannibal Holocaust [Do Not Watch]

I. Caligula [Do Not Watch]